Visual Basic Source Code
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Assembly Source File
278 lines
comment $
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| AsmWiz Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Thomas G. Hanlin III |
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| AsmWiz Demo Program |
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| assembled with MASM 6.0 |
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The code here has been designed to be easily understandable and is not as
efficient as the coding used in the actual library.
; the use of a dummy stack segment here eliminates the meaningless error
; message from LINK about there being no stack defined.
Sseg segment byte stack 'prog' ; dummy stack segment
Sseg ends
Cseg segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:Cseg, ds:Cseg, ss:Sseg
org 100h
extrn BKO_GETKEY:near, MD_DONE:near, MD_DELAY:near, MD_INIT:near
extrn MV_INIT:near, MV_LOCATE:near, MV_MODE:near, MV_GETMODE:near
extrn MV_POPUP:near, MV_STROUT:near, MV_HIDECURSOR:near
extrn MV_INSCHR:near, MV_DELCHR:near, MV_COLOR:near, MV_CLS:near
extrn MV_FIXCOLOR:near, MV_FRAME:near, MI_GETSCREEN:near, MI_PARSE:near
extrn S0_LENGTH:near, S0_UPCASES:near
MAIN proc far ; AsmWiz example program
call Initialize ; initialize screen and colors
call ShowWelcome ; display welcome message
call SlideWelcome ; slide welcome message left
call ShowWindow ; display pop-up window w/ text
call ShowCopyright ; display copyright message
call WaitOnKey ; display "press any" and wait
call Terminate ; restore original screen mode, etc
mov ax,4C00h ;
int 21h ; exit program
MAIN endp ; AsmWiz example program
Initialize proc near ; initialize the screen
call MV_GETMODE ; get current screen mode
mov OldMode,al ; save it
call MV_INIT ; initialize display routines
mov al,3 ; mode 3: 80x25 color text
call MV_MODE ; set display mode
call MV_HIDECURSOR ; turn off the cursor
mov si,0080h ; pointer to the command line
lea di,FileBuf ; pointer to filename buffer
lea bx,OptBuf ; pointer to option buffer
mov al,"/" ; use normal DOS switch character
call MI_PARSE ; parse the command line
or ah,ah ; is there an option?
jz CheckCRT ; no, go check the CRT type
mov si,bx ; pointer to first option
mov di,bx ;
call S0_UPCASES ; convert it to uppercase
cmp byte ptr [bx],"B" ; is it /B for monochrome mode?
jne CheckCRT ; no, check CRT type
mov al,1 ; set to mono
jmp SetCRT ; go set type
CheckCRT: call MI_GETSCREEN ; see what the screen type is
SetCRT: call MV_FIXCOLOR ; set the color handler to suit
mov al,1Fh ; bright white on blue
call MV_COLOR ; set text color
call MV_CLS ; clear screen to new color
call MD_INIT ; initialize hi-res timer system
ret ;
Initialize endp ; initialize the screen
ShowWelcome proc near ; display welcome message
mov dx,0125h ; row 1, column 37
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,WelcomeMsg ; ptr to "Welcome"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov cx,8 ;
Welcome1: call MV_INSLINE ; scroll it down
push cx ;
mov cx,4 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 4/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome1 ; ...nine times
mov dx,0B25h ; row 11, column 37
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,ToTheMsg ; ptr to "to the"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov dx,0D01h ; row 13, column 1
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,AsmMsg ; ptr to "Asm" <cr>
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov cx,37 ;
Welcome2: call MV_INSCHR ; scroll it right
push cx ;
mov cx,2 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 2/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome2 ; ...37 times
mov dx,0D4Dh ; row 13, column 73
call MV_LOCATE ;
lea dx,WizMsg ; ptr to "Wiz"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov dx,0D29h ; row 13, column 41
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
mov cx,36 ;
Welcome3: call MV_DELCHR ; scroll it left
push cx ;
mov cx,2 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 2/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome3 ; ...36 times
mov dx,1925h ; row 25, column 37
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,LibraryMsg ; ptr to "Library"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov dx,0E01h ; row 14, column 1
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
mov cx,10 ;
Welcome4: call MV_DELLINE ; scroll it up
push cx ;
mov cx,4 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 4/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome4 ; ...10 times
mov cx,200 ; delay 200/100ths of a second
call MD_DELAY ;
ret ;
ShowWelcome endp ; display welcome message
SlideWelcome proc near ; slide welcome message left
mov dx,0901h ; row 9, column 1
mov ax,4 ;
ScrollAll: mov cx,20 ; columns to scroll
LineLeft: call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor position
call MV_DELCHR ; scroll it left
loop LineLeft ; go fo